Open Skies

Find me in the corner of nothing,

Where everything lives,

Where spaces fill out with the hollowness

Of vacuums, where sounds carry

On silent dreams-

Tis the place of my haunt,

Where all of me is hunted by all of me

Swallows fly into traps made of human words,

Made of vexatious statements,

Made of human offences,

Like arrows that always tell the truth,

Like knives in whom is no falsehood,

Like nets with meshes of blade

That cover my skin with bloodied welts;

The trap of insidious desire,

Desires to fly free,

Like waters that make their way home

I long for the open skies,

To shake off this blanket of stones

And dig through enveloping dirt,

To fill hollow spaces with treasures of love,

And the warm embrace of friendly eyes-

I want to find myself in the corner of nothing,

Till everything in me breathes in the morning air


Reminder: Love Letter to the Person in My Dead Body Trying to Feel Alive

