an old myth

Piece submitted by Chuwka Michael

Awoke at dawn playing night

Where the charms of amulets

Treasured around my neck

Were the invitation of darker days unborn

I awoke into a curse, to die and yet live again

a curve of genesis to genesis

I awoke to belly up and swim into a fern-home

I awoke as the nightmare of nightmares

I came again, to suck the cowries,

loose the apron strings,

and leave a barren purse.

I awoke, a dead owl upon your threshold

I am the old myth

That rises and sets

Yet, a foreshadow of darker days.

I am the shadow that hides in light.

I am your runaway son

A prodigal, off I go again,

off! into the faraway, off! through the labyrinth.

I am he, the child from netherworld

the one whose heart is soot

I will come again, and again, to soothe your pain,

Then rub soot upon your glowing lamp.


Of friends, Of love, Of anything that blooms beautifully in the crevice of my heart


A Taste of Heaven