The Girlfriends Series


Good friendship is one that always brings out the best in youIn the same way that iron sharpens iron, good company lights a warm fireIntroduces an infectious and spirited energy among good girlfriends,Not the persons you have known for the longest time, but unpretentious ones who have stuck by youWith no competition nor gimmicksThe only existing rivalry being with the devil and all creatures of the HadesNo fantasySee, there have been futile attempts as per the patriarchyA lie propagated to cast aspersionsand shadows of apprehension,that a woman is her greatest enemy, ‘adui ya mwanamke ni mwanamke’Hogwash that she simply couldn’t enjoy and reminisce over times passed with her girls,sit and giggle over lovers pastluxuriate in a bond so strong, a sisterhood that nourishes the soul, mind and bank accountAll the while snapping pictures and capturing times worth remembering,Special moments that tell stories of aspirations and ambitions,Stories telling of tragically comedic embarrassing moments that earn titters and chuckles, without reveling and rubbing in your fallNot forgetting the tall tales of mistakes, losses, and heartachesBecause a friend who understands your tears is much more valuable than a lot of friends who only know your smileA sisterhood will offer shoulders to lean onbend over backward to wipe the tears from your eyesand give an arm and a leg to kick some ass for youA clique that will sit with you in the seemingly perpetual darkness and light a candlehold an umbrella in your stormy afflictionMaking time to celebrate small wins in affectionHype and gas you up just because, like;I see you cooking that steak! Go ahead chef RamseyYet it’s just another regular Friday but the badassery stays on readytoasting and clinking champagne glasses,because who works that hard to stay the same?The sound of laughter thickens and drowns out the racket


A Dead Man's Tale


A Forest And A Hard Place